I am often a bitter bastard; content to rant and pick. But not today you lucky shits, today, after a brief hiatus, I am writing words again. Words of praise no less. I'd like to, in the spirit of internet collaboration and sharing of...links, give you a brief rundown of the awesome Nintendo/Lofi/other(?) electro that has been vibrating my earbones lately.

Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs
Citing "Climate Change"as one of their influences, these dinosaurs really do know their way around beeps, clicks and the chirping 8bit.

4 Bit Bonsai
Dividing 8bit by name and by sound. Major highlight: "Hey Ya" a la Game Boy.

Thoughtful Aussie electro sounds.

Busy B
Ok, no more geek beats. I'll put the video game influenced to one side. Being the case that Paris and Berlin are Mecca and Medina to electro, here's a French Fancy for you.

Eddie Kid
Those of you who have seen The Streets live, or know of the band at all, you'll know DJ Eddie Kid. Super-funk-power-pop. Tip: check the mixes.


Take a miniature keyboard. Circuit bend it. Use every bend possible to make an awesome tune, and use nothing else. If you are Hanniballde, then it sounds like this.

So there you go. I've put a rather crafty "Vol" in the title to indicate there may be further installments. Perhaps I'll turn this into a podcast. Or not.

Any thoughts?


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